Tag Archives: Multipolar Capitalist-Imperialist World

World Military Expenditure Reaches All-Time High of $2,443Bln in 2023 – SIPRI

04:14 GMT 22.04.2024


Note by Fazal Rahman

As countless millions of people are suffering all types of deprivations around the world, including those in the Advanced Capitalist-Imperialist Technological Societies (ACITS), and millions are facing hunger and famine, like in Sudan, Gaza, Southern Africa, and Argentina, etc., the world military spending reached the highest level in 2023, $2 trillion and 443 billion, under the political economies of capitalism and imperialism.  As I wrote in some of my previous articles, in the newly emerged and emerging capitalist and imperialist multipolar world, militarism, military spending, and wars and conflicts are certain to greatly increase.  The only solution to this and other greatest problems that have developed in the history of mankind and the planet is global socialism, the possibilities of which have greatly diminished after the grand betrayals of socialism in the USSR, Eastern Europe, and China. Humans are now rushing full speed towards the abyss and they will take most other life forms with them.  As in the past, US imperialism is leading the way.

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Can the developing Multipolar Capitalist and Imperialist World solve the current greatest problems in the history of mankind and the planet?

By Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.                     June 13, 2023

Lately great hopes and expectations are being created in relation to the developing Multipolar Capitalist and Imperialist World, usually only characterized as the Multipolar World.  Obviously, the consequences of such a world have not been thought through logically and objectively by its enthusiasts. How realistic are the hopes and expectations of such a world, under the current politico-economic conditions, in which socialism has been betrayed in the former socialist countries of Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and China, and replaced with various forms of capitalism?  The Multipolar World that is developing is of capitalist and imperialist nature, with great diversity and inequality of economic, political, and military powers.  After the betrayal of socialism and restoration of capitalism in the above-mentioned countries, US had temporarily become the only super-power, during which it maximally abused all its powers and devastated many countries and their peoples.  However, it did not take long for Russia and China to also emerge as super-powers, and many other countries are striving to do the same.  The whole world is in a frenzy to develop and accumulate as much military power and weapons of mass destruction as it can, diverting huge public resources from satisfying the essential needs of populations to militarism for that purpose. Precedents for this were set by all the capitalist and imperialist powers of the West, led in the modern era by the US, which continues to fuel this frenzy to the maximum, by continuing to create newer and more powerful weapons of all kinds and continuing to be their biggest exporter. 

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