Tag Archives: Vladimir Putin

Putin Says Naively Believed There Would Be No Confrontation Between West, Russia


Note by Fazal Rahman

Classist, racist, inter-capitalist and inter-imperialist conflicts and wars have been the norms in human history, including the two world wars.  US and Europe consider capitalist Russia and China even greater threats to their economic and military hegemony than under socialism.  That should have been obvious to any rational and objective observer of history.  Putin’s earlier illusions were the result of his wishful thinking, formed on the basis of betrayal of socialism and having become a beneficiary of restoration of capitalism.  Will he ever face up to these fundamental contradictions in his career? 

End of note

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Bombshell Report Debunks ICC Warrant for Putin, and Mainstream Media Sidesteps It

Wyatt Reed


There’s radio silence from legacy media as a new exposé completely undermines “the allegation by the ICC… that Russia is running a network of camps that are holding children as hostages and committing a war crime by illegally deporting Ukrainian children.”

A stunning new report has debunked the narrative that camps in Russia for children from the Donbass constitute ‘crimes against humanity,’ completely undermining the allegations that serve as the basis for the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Russian President Vladmir Putin.

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Putin-Xi Meeting Could Herald End of ‘Dollar Hegemony’ and US Domination


James Tweedie

All materials  Write to the author

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow for in-depth talks with Vladimir Putin has provoked angry responses from Washington and Europe. Hong Kong-based political and financial analyst Angelo Giuliano explains why the summit can be seen as a threat to Western hegemony.

Closer economic ties Russia and China could spell the end of the dollar’s primacy in trade and even US imperialist hegemony.

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow on Monday for three days of talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

The meeting had already provoked a flurry of angry statements and political diversions, including the International Criminal Court’s attempt to accuse Putin of child abduction and Washington’s rejection of Beijing’s blueprint for peace in Ukraine.

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International Criminal Court in the Service of US and European imperialisms.  Bizarre issuance of a warrant for arresting Russian President, Vladimir Putin

By Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.     March 18, 2023

Karim Ahmed Khan, who has issued the arrest warrant for Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has been the Chief Prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2021. He is a British citizen.  His father was born in Mardan in India, during the British colonial rule.  After partition, Mardan became part of Pakistan.  His brother, Imran Ahmed Khan, was a conservative British MP, who was sentenced to 18 months in jail, for sexually assaulting a 15 years old boy, after intoxicating him. 

Karim Ahmed Khan replaced Fatou Bensouda at ICC, who in 2017 had announced plans to start investigating historic allegations of crimes against humanity and war crimes. This followed a 2016 ICC report that affirmed a “reasonable basis” to believe that the US had carried out war crimes in Afghanistan. However, Khan announced that ICC investigation will exclude war crimes committed by US forces and their allies, and that his office will focus on alleged crimes of Taliban and Islamic State.  The main reason for replacing Fatou Bensouda with him at the ICC was precisely this change in the contents and directions of the investigation.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech of February 21, 2023. Translated in English

Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

Vladimir Putin delivered his Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place in Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.

February 21, 2023




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During the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. Photo: Sergei Karpukhin, TASS

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon,

Members of the Federation Assembly – senators, State

Duma deputies,

Citizens of Russia,

This Presidential Address comes, as we all know, at a difficult, watershed period for our country. This is a time of radical, irreversible change in the entire world, of crucial historical events that will determine the future of our country and our people, a time when every one of us bears a colossal responsibility.

One year ago, to protect the people in our historical lands, to ensure the security of our country and to eliminate the threat coming from the neo-Nazi regime that had taken hold in Ukraine after the 2014 coup, it was decided to begin the special military operation. Step by step, carefully and consistently we will deal with the tasks we have at hand.

Since 2014, Donbass has been fighting for the right to live in their land and to speak their native tongue. It fought and never gave up amid the blockade, constant shelling and the Kiev regime’s overt hatred. It hoped and waited that Russia would come to help.

In the meantime, as you know well, we were doing everything in our power to solve this problem by peaceful means, and patiently conducted talks on a peaceful solution to this devastating conflict.

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