Tag Archives: US housing crisis

Over 40,000 eviction notices have gone out in L.A. this year, many to upscale apartments


Note by Fazal Rahman

This is an example of “freedom” in capitalist and imperialist “democracies”.  Landlords have the freedom to evict the tenants for non-payments or late payments of rents, while the tenants, no matter how dire their financial situation may be, are forced to leave their housings – one of the most important basic human needs.  If they do not find affordable housing elsewhere, they are condemned to homelessness, one of the worst brutalities inflicted on humans.  Similar “freedoms” are prevalent in all the other areas in these “democracies”, like in employment, in which employers can fire workers, frequently in large numbers, and if workers do not find other jobs, they are condemned to unemployment, again a brutal and devastating infliction.

In Libya under Qaddafi, housing was a human right and there were no electric or gas bills either.  US and NATO imperialists destroyed that right and numerous others to create the same kinds of “freedoms” there, as under their systems.  Now the once prosperous Libyan society has been reduced to states of anarchy, constant warfare, and impoverishments. 

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‘They’re Not Getting Anything’: Official US Economic Numbers Belie Decadeslong ‘Great Stagnation’

Note by Fazal Rahman

Jobs under capitalism always increase the profits for the employers, at the expense of unpaid and minimally necessary paid labor of great masses of workers.  American capitalist economy always creates huge numbers of unemployed, homeless, those without health insurance, officially or unofficially mentally ill, etc. The worst are the soldiers of imperialism, who kill and die for imperialism.  There are millions of them, active and retired.  They are glorified by the officialdom and society in every hypocritical way, while a lot of them are left to rot in homelessness.  Even if there was full employment under capitalism and imperialism – practically and theoretically impossible – jobs would never be spiritually and intellectually gratifying.  They would always be in contradiction with the soul, intellect, and spirit. Humans are reduced to stomachs and targets of creation of innumerable artificial, fake, and psycho-physically damaging needs, desires, and drives, enriching their exploiters and manipulators, and damaging the environment and life-supporting systems of the planet. All these great dehumanizing and inhumanizing problems are the result of privatization of profits of privately owned means of production, which, if nationalized and socialized, would be used to satisfy the needs of all members of society. This is particularly true of a developed capitalist economy like that of the US.

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