Tag Archives: Israeli state terrorisms in Gaza

Video of new Algerian resolution for ceasefire in Gaza in the UN Security Council vetoed by the US

Note by Fazal Rahman

As in case of previous resolutions for ceasefire in Gaza in the UN Security Council, US again vetoed the new Algerian resolution for that. All the other members supported the resolution, with the exception of UK, which abstained. The US ambassador to the UN, a Black woman with white mask ( borrowing Frantz Fanon’s terminology) again engaged in sinister hypocrisy and duplicity in support of her veto. Almost 30,000 Palestinians have been massacred by Israeli genocidal and ethnic cleansing war in Gaza since October 7, 2023 – two-thirds of them women and children – thousands burred under the rubbles, 70,000 wounded, innumerable children orphaned, and whole neighborhoods and cities reduced to rubble. It is indescribably demonic on part of the US to continue to support all that politically, economically, and militarily, and obstruct the ceasefire which will stop further devastations. Ambassadors of many countries, including those of Russia, Palestine, Algeria, and Guyana strongly condemned this new diabolical veto by the US. Nothing surprise me coming from the US. I expect the worst and almost always it happens.

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Biden, Kirby and dead, ungrateful Palestinians

The Biden administration and its smug surrogates remain determined to disfigure reality to obscure their complicity in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.


Andrew Mitrovica

Al Jazeera columnist

Published On 14 Dec 202314 Dec 2023

I thought it impossible that Kirby could outdo his doddering boss, US President Joe Biden who, memorably, trafficked in fabrications about beheaded babies, and questioned the number of killed Palestinian children, women and men.

Silly me.

Looking ever so commanding in a crisp, black suit, with a white handkerchief jutting fashionably out of his breast pocket, Kirby insisted that Palestinians – among many myopic others – should, at the least, pause to acknowledge America’s generosity in the midst of a genocide.

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How international law is used to cover up Israeli settler-colonialism

Israel’s ‘right to self-defence’ is wrongly evoked within the context of its occupation of Palestinian territories.

Everything that is happening now in Israel-Palestine is taking place within the context of colonisation, occupation and apartheid, which according to international law, are illegal. Israel is a colonising power and the Palestinians are the colonised indigenous population. Any reference to international law that does not recall these circumstances is a distortion of the story.

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Beatings, threats at gunpoint and fleeing in terror: Inside the most aggressive West Bank land grab in 50 years

Bel Trew visits villages in the occupied West Bank and hears harrowing tales of settler violence in which Palestinian families describe being forced from their homes – in what human rights groups say is the single biggest land grab since Israel captured the region in 1967

17 hours ago



The man in Israeli military uniform sliced off Mohamed’s clothes with a knife, urinated on him, and then, after relentlessly beating him, tried to rape him with a stick. He details the assault that took place in the village of Wadi al-Siq, about 20 miles northeast of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank.

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Video of Al Jazeera interview with Miko Peled, former Israeli soldier, turned into a peace activist


Click on the above link to see the video.

Note by Fazal Rahman

The former Israeli soldier turned into a peace activist, Miko Peled, is interviewed in this Al Jazeera video. He describes the Israeli oppression and atrocities against the Palestinians clearly, truthfully, and historically, better than most other presenters. His transformation is further evidence of the possibility of psychological conversions, which are rare but do happen. A minority of Jews are similarly opposed to the atrocities of Israeli state against the Palestinians happening in Gaza. However, it does not go as far or as deep as Peled. Overwhelming majority of Jews in Israel and elsewhere are supporting these atrocities and genocides.

However, Peled’s hopes of ending the persecution, genocides, atrocities, and apartheid against the Palestinians through democratic transformations of Israel are idealistic and subjective. By democracy he means capitalist-imperialist democracy. Oppressive majorities in many such “democracies” continue to subject “others” to oppression, persecution, discrimination, and violence. Examples are numerous, like in the US, Europe, and India. Moreover, US and European capitalist-imperialist “democracies” have committed incomparably greater atrocities in rest of the world for centuries through wars, invasions, slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, and racism. Indian Hindutva obsessed Hindus, as a result of India having achieved economic, technological, and military prowess, are now persecuting and attacking Muslim and Christian minorities, as well as brutally colonizing Kashmir through large military and security forces, and obstructing the implementation of UN resolutions, just like Israel. Before and during Second World War, they had idolized Hitler, the exterminator of Jews. Now, they are supporting the Jewish state of Israel against the Palestinians. The end of political and social apartheid in South Africa did not end the economic apartheid. A small minority of Whites still controls much of the wealth there. Relatively very small numbers of Blacks have now also started sharing that wealth. Overwhelming majority of Blacks continue to suffer poverty and deprivations.

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