Video of Al Jazeera interview with Miko Peled, former Israeli soldier, turned into a peace activist

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Note by Fazal Rahman

The former Israeli soldier turned into a peace activist, Miko Peled, is interviewed in this Al Jazeera video. He describes the Israeli oppression and atrocities against the Palestinians clearly, truthfully, and historically, better than most other presenters. His transformation is further evidence of the possibility of psychological conversions, which are rare but do happen. A minority of Jews are similarly opposed to the atrocities of Israeli state against the Palestinians happening in Gaza. However, it does not go as far or as deep as Peled. Overwhelming majority of Jews in Israel and elsewhere are supporting these atrocities and genocides.

However, Peled’s hopes of ending the persecution, genocides, atrocities, and apartheid against the Palestinians through democratic transformations of Israel are idealistic and subjective. By democracy he means capitalist-imperialist democracy. Oppressive majorities in many such “democracies” continue to subject “others” to oppression, persecution, discrimination, and violence. Examples are numerous, like in the US, Europe, and India. Moreover, US and European capitalist-imperialist “democracies” have committed incomparably greater atrocities in rest of the world for centuries through wars, invasions, slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, and racism. Indian Hindutva obsessed Hindus, as a result of India having achieved economic, technological, and military prowess, are now persecuting and attacking Muslim and Christian minorities, as well as brutally colonizing Kashmir through large military and security forces, and obstructing the implementation of UN resolutions, just like Israel. Before and during Second World War, they had idolized Hitler, the exterminator of Jews. Now, they are supporting the Jewish state of Israel against the Palestinians. The end of political and social apartheid in South Africa did not end the economic apartheid. A small minority of Whites still controls much of the wealth there. Relatively very small numbers of Blacks have now also started sharing that wealth. Overwhelming majority of Blacks continue to suffer poverty and deprivations.

End of note

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