Tag Archives: Andrew Mitrovica

Biden, Kirby and dead, ungrateful Palestinians

The Biden administration and its smug surrogates remain determined to disfigure reality to obscure their complicity in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.


Andrew Mitrovica

Al Jazeera columnist

Published On 14 Dec 202314 Dec 2023

I thought it impossible that Kirby could outdo his doddering boss, US President Joe Biden who, memorably, trafficked in fabrications about beheaded babies, and questioned the number of killed Palestinian children, women and men.

Silly me.

Looking ever so commanding in a crisp, black suit, with a white handkerchief jutting fashionably out of his breast pocket, Kirby insisted that Palestinians – among many myopic others – should, at the least, pause to acknowledge America’s generosity in the midst of a genocide.

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