Tag Archives: anti-vietnam war movement

Occupy Wall Street-On the strategy and tactics of non-forceful and forceful responses to the violence of the capitalist-imperialist state

Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.                                                    Completed on November 10, 2011

First posted on Dandelion Salad


In this article, a dialectical approach to the strategy and tactics of non-forceful and forceful forms of struggle, in face of the all-round violence of the capitalist-imperialist state, is proposed.  As some of the pacifist, progressive, and anarchist or anarchist-like speakers and writers of the 2011 American Protests (Occupy Protests) are absolutizing the non-violence-not only as a tactic, but also as a permanent strategy and philosophy of the struggle-a brief critique of them is also included in this paper.  Also as some, like Chris Hedges, are misrepresenting the meanings, relevance, and role of Marx and Marxism, Bakunin and Anarchism, 1960s anti-Vietnam War Movement, and Black Panthers struggles etc., specific refutations of their specific distortions have also been presented here. Continue reading