Tag Archives: American culture

American Dream = American Nightmare

Ballooning Expenses: Unpacking High Costs Behind ‘American Dream’

Note by Fazal Rahman

So-called American Dream has always been based upon capitalist-imperialist materialism, which has sickened, perverted, and distorted the souls and intellects of its inhabitants.  It has been a nightmare for much of rest of the world and has now also become a nightmare for its own majority, even in strictly materialistic terms.  After invasion of America and most brutal genocide of its natives, the European invaders and their descendants transformed the pristine paradise on Earth into concrete monstrosities of huge crowded  cities, have created an extremist form of capitalist-imperialist civilization, and all types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as pollution of soil, air, water, and food.  They have also exported this civilization to much of rest of the world.  They extracted great wealth from the resource-rich lands of the colonized country, which numerous generations have benefited from.  They also maximally exploited the natural and human resources of rest of the world and transferred these to their imperialist center.  However, after centuries of such parasitic affluence, the balance of economic and military powers has shifted, which has put powerful brakes on the national and international parasitism. The complicity of overwhelming majority of population with their ruling class is now backfiring on it., which has been effectively immunized against understanding the real nature of this crisis and its causes.

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Trump repeats ‘poisoning the blood’ anti-immigrant remark


Updated December 16, 2023 at 4:57 PM


By Nathan Layne

Note by Fazal Rahman

The Ignoramus-In-Chief is at it again, without having a clue on what he is uttering. The blood of White Americans, like that of White Europeans, including that of European Jews, planted in Palestine by them, is already literally poisoned by racism, militarism, fascist tendencies, capitalism, and imperialism.  Mass psychology and culture do not exist in isolation and vacuum.  These are created by and integrated into the political economy, along with their biosocial, epigenetic, hormonal, and neuronal counterparts. That is why poisonous and destructive inhumanized specimens like Trump, Biden, and Netanyahu are supported by their masses and elevated to the highest governmental positions.  They are the reflections of the inhumanized masses.  Mass rehumanization can only progressively take place under socialism and communism, which under current subjective conditions in these societies is next to impossible.  Under these conditions, extinction of human species and most other forms of life is inevitable.

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Trump and Stormy Daniels cash in on merchandise after indictment


Former President Donald Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury on Thursday

By Madeline Halpert

BBC News, New York

Former President Donald Trump and porn star Stormy Daniels have spent years battling in court. Now, they’re selling duelling T-shirts.

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Hot topic for next presidential debates? Trump’s is tiny or not?

Claudia Schneider

Note by Fazal Rahman

Stormy Daniels has certainly ruined Donald Trump’s political career, not so much by hush money, but by revealing his being tiny. The idiot instead of ignoring it made a laughing stock of himself by loudly trying to claim that it was not tiny. Now unless he demonstrates that it is not, he has no chance in any elections in the American culture. In view of the comic nature of American political scene, it is not unimaginable that presidential candidates may end up debating who has the bigger, and the one who proves that his is the biggest may win.

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Some of the comments

Donut Armageddon

1 year agoWhenever I’m stressed or feeling down, I sing the following to myself & I feel better. “Itsy bitsy teeny weeny former presidential peenie.” Works like a charm.

Ian Roscoe

1 year agoIt is a sad indictment of the USA that a sad, pathetic, low IQ moron can become president.

Claudia Schneider

3 days agoEven co-worker from oval office have seen his very tiny penis – dump trump is a bad liar and try to act like he had a big one – but he doesn´t – go ask Melania – she will tell you, next time when dump trump is having new affairs to any porno actress women again.

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The most violent country on Earth

The most violent country on Earth

DOUG NICHOLLS relates the tragedy of the recent killings in Texas to the culture of violence perpetrated by the United States at home and throughout the world


A demonstrator helps hold a large “Come and Take It” banner at a rally in support of open carry gun laws at the Capitol, on Jan. 26, 2015, in Austin, Texas

YET ANOTHER crazed mass shooting in the United States, and yet more hand-wringing about gun laws.

Some say gun laws will never be amended in the US because the Second Amendment, agreed in 1791, which gives the right to bear arms, was ordained by God.

Defeating the fierce lobby of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the profit lust of the arms manufacturers is just part of the story.

To change the US obsession with the gun requires a deep social change and a sustained rejection of its many cultural glorifications of shooting.

Alongside the longest list of starting wars in the history of the world, the US has the second-largest nuclear arsenal; 800 military bases around the world; the deployment of active-duty military troops in 150 countries; the largest military spending programme on Earth; and the longest track record of assassination attempts of political leaders it dislikes in other countries — whether Allende, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, Ocalan or many others.

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