Tag Archives: American crises

American Dream = American Nightmare

Ballooning Expenses: Unpacking High Costs Behind ‘American Dream’

Note by Fazal Rahman

So-called American Dream has always been based upon capitalist-imperialist materialism, which has sickened, perverted, and distorted the souls and intellects of its inhabitants.  It has been a nightmare for much of rest of the world and has now also become a nightmare for its own majority, even in strictly materialistic terms.  After invasion of America and most brutal genocide of its natives, the European invaders and their descendants transformed the pristine paradise on Earth into concrete monstrosities of huge crowded  cities, have created an extremist form of capitalist-imperialist civilization, and all types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as pollution of soil, air, water, and food.  They have also exported this civilization to much of rest of the world.  They extracted great wealth from the resource-rich lands of the colonized country, which numerous generations have benefited from.  They also maximally exploited the natural and human resources of rest of the world and transferred these to their imperialist center.  However, after centuries of such parasitic affluence, the balance of economic and military powers has shifted, which has put powerful brakes on the national and international parasitism. The complicity of overwhelming majority of population with their ruling class is now backfiring on it., which has been effectively immunized against understanding the real nature of this crisis and its causes.

End of note

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Stealing to survive: More Americans are shoplifting food as aid runs out during the pandemic-Washington Post article

Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.                                   December 11, 2020

Note by Fazal Rahman

Following article in Washington Post describes the plight of tens of millions of Americans during these all-round multidimensional crises, which were developing even before the Novel Corona Virus Pandemic, but have been accelerated and aggravated by it.

Poverty and hunger are the main causes of almost all the crimes in the world. Under these conditions, the nature and label of crime are themselves questionable and dishonest. That is why the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre had proclaimed, “Criminal is the Saint.” The legislatures in the US are overflowing with millionaires, who maintain and promote laws that preserve the status quo of extreme inequalities, injustices, homelessness, lack of healthcare, and other inhuman sufferings of tens of millions of Americans in the US, the political and economic leaders of which never cease loudly chest thumping and boasting about this being the richest and most democratic country in the world. At the same time, they have all the money for the military and Military Industrial Complex.

Overwhelming majority of Americans have also become thoroughly brain-washed and brain-dead with capitalist-imperialist mass psychology. They are mass immunized against any in-depth analysis or real truths about the structural nature and causes of these and other numerous macro-level problems, which have developed, accumulated, and become compounded during the relatively brief history of this country, which is now called United States of America, which was stolen after the great genocide of Natives, who lived here before the White European invasions. These problems are also radiated to every little corner of this thoroughly polluted planet, with all types of physical and spiritual pollutions. The biosphere is deteriorating much faster than was expected, and some of the macro-level deteriorations are already irreversible.

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