An Empire Built on Fear at Home and Abroad by Professor James Petras

Note by Fazal Rahman

Excellent article by Professor James Petras, factual, logical, wise, and pessimistic about the sinister reality in the headquarters of the Devil’s Hell that this planet has been transformed into by the Homo dollarus of capitalism and imperialism.  In spite of my efforts to recover my optimism in the good part of human nature and its potentials, the increasingly sinister reality counteracts these.  Although the fears that Professor Petras talks about have been globalized, these have been created and radiated from this Center of the Devil’s Hell, the US of A.  I am aware that there are many insightful and knowledgeable individuals here, who know what is going on and are doing whatever they can to build a movement against it.  However, they are like small springs of fresh water, which the immense toxic ocean drowns into itself.

Click on the link below to read the article.


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