Tag Archives: Vladimir Putin’s 2023 speech

Critique of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 2023 Valdai Discussion Club Conference

By Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.              October 8, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin spent almost four hours in his speech and answering questions at the Valdai Discussion Club. In those, he talked about numerous global, regional, and Russian issues. In the following passages, I will comment on some of the topics that he discussed.

His speech and discussion can be heard by clicking on the following link:


1.  Re Civilizational Diversity.  He repeatedly talked about the diversity of civilizations and importance of preserving that diversity.  However, that diversity has been, and continues to be, drastically reduced and overwhelmed by the Western Capitalist-Imperialist Technological Civilization (WCITC), which has been developing and overwhelming the civilizational diversity during the previous few centuries.  With the success of Russian Socialist Revolution of 1917, the alternative Socialist Technological Civilization (STC) appeared on the world scene. However, with the Grand Betrayal of Socialism in the USSR, China, and Eastern Europe, it has currently vanished from the global stage.  WCITC is currently the only dominant civilization in the world, dominating and overwhelming all the cultural, linguistic, religious and other super-structural differences between various countries, peoples, and nations.  Putin being the leader of an important part of that civilization greatly exaggerates the existence and importance of civilizational diversity.

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