Tag Archives: Press conference of Palestinian ambassador to UK

Press conference of Palestinian ambassador to UK on Gaza devastation and its historical context

Note by Fazal Rahman

In this press conference, the Palestinian ambassador to UK tries to logically and factually describe the indescribable atrocities, war crimes, and crimes against humanity that are being committed by Israel in Gaza. He also emphasizes the importance of putting these into accurate historical context and of the responsibility of journalists and media to present their news and analyses factually and truthfully within that context. It is self-evident that all the mainstream media in the US, UK, and the West are doing the opposite and are acting as agents of their complicit governments in these crimes, as well as of Israel, hence becoming complicit in these themselves. Even the controllers of so-called social media are now increasingly censoring pro-Palestinian posts. On such occasions, the reality of “Freedom of the Press” and “Freedom of Speech” in the West is revealed graphically.