Tag Archives: corruption in Pakistan

Tyranny of inequality in Pakistan

Naeem Sadiq   Published February 26, 2024

Note by Fazal Rahman

This article truthfully and factually describes the extreme inequality and looting and plunder of resources by a tiny minority of rich and super-rich in Pakistan, as well as their drastic effects on the impoverishment of great masses of working, poor, and disadvantaged people there.  These conditions have drowned the country in huge external and internal debts, as well as enslaved it to the constant borrowing from the IMF and other multilateral and bilateral lenders.  Many critical policies are being dictated to the country of around 240 million people by the IMF now.  Inflation and prices of essentials for life are record high. Representatives of capitalist, feudal, and tribal classes – of which military is the most dominant force – continue to dominate political, economic, judicial, and social life of society.  Corruption and failure of capitalist-feudal-tribal “democracy” and electoral processes have reached zenith in Pakistan. No wonder that under these conditions so many people are involved in the activities of religious right and militant organizations. 

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Protests against inflation and high electricity bills in Pakistan

Note by Fazal Rahman

IMF imposed conditions are one of the major causes of extremely high and unaffordable inflation and prices of food and other essentials in Pakistan, including the costs of electricity.  Countrywide protests are happening against that.  IMF, the government, businesses, corporations, and the upper classes there have been shifting the burdens of severe economic crises onto overwhelming majority of working class and impoverished people there. 

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Climate Change: Devastating Floods in Pakistan

Note by Fazal Rahman

The following article describes the great devastations of unprecedented floods in Pakistan, caused by the climate changes and aggravated by the capitalist “development” and construction schemes that are predictable to enhance losses of lives and resources.  Pakistan was already facing the worst economic and other crises of its history, and forced to slavishly carry out the dicates of IMF and other global financial institutions, controlled and dominated by the US and Western imperialisms, all due to the widespread corruption of ruling elites as well as the people in general.  Corruption and bribery are strictly forbidden in Islam, and yet, when it comes to money and property, overwhelming majority of so-called “Muslims” in Pakistan, as well as in numerous other Muslim countries, practice these consciencelessly and imagine that these sins will be forgiven by prayers and other rituals.  Countries with majorities which practice other religions, or in which large parts of population are secular, are not any better either, even though forms of corruption and bribery may be different in them and damages to the economies in the more developed and richer countries may not be as devastating as in poorer and less developed countries, like Pakistan.

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Pakistan: A rapidly failing state. What will it take to stop and reverse the disaster?

Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.         Completed on February 14, 2012
This is a brief review of the current all-round crisis in Pakistan, the worst in the country’s history.  It is the compounded form of all the previous accumulated politico-economic problems, issues, and crises, since its independence in 1947 that were, and are, both the result of the objective structure of the feudal-capitalist-dependent politico-economic system, as well as of the wrong, incompetent, and corrupt leaderships, policies, and actions. 
All the diverse symptoms of the current crisis indicate that Pakistan is rapidly becoming a failed state and a failed nation. Continue reading